1001 Jalan Cerita Cinta Kita , Di dunia ini siapa yang tak kenal dengan cinta? Cinta memang akan selalu hadir dikehidupan manusia dan cinta juga yang akan menyatukan setiap perbedaan yang dimiliki oleh setiap insan. Terkadang cinta memang sulit dimengerti oleh akal sehat, perasaan ini timbul tanpa kita sadari dan tanpa kita kehendaki, namun cinta bisa timbul dengan adanya pandangan mata dan getaran hati seseorang terhadap lawan jenis yang memang bisa menarik perhatian hatinya, itu karena Cinta merupakan sebuah anugerah yang paling indah, dimana perasaan ini telah Tuhan anugerahkan kepada semua insan yang hidup didunia ini, tak terkecuali dengan perasaan yang aku miliki.
Dengan cinta terkadang kita bisa menjadi lemah, dan terkadang dengan cinta pula kita bisa kuat, memang terlalu banyak indikasi yang disebabkan oleh cinta, sekuat apapun orang baik dilihat dari kekuatan hatinya, kekuatan jiwanya, ataupun kekuatan fisiknya, jika seseorang tersebut telah terindikasi oleh cinta, maka dengan sendirinya kekuatan tersebut juga bisa memudar jika berada didekatnya. Cinta itu memang tak berbentuk dan tak berwarna, namun cinta ini bisa kita rasakan dan bisa kita bayangkan, adakalanya orang - orang menyebut jika cinta itu penuh warna, ! Hal ini memang benar adanya, jika sebuah cinta tersebut telah diaplikasikan kepada seorang pribadi yang sedang mengalaminya, yang mana dengan cinta tersebut seseorang dapat menciptakan sebuah imajinasi yang sangat luar biasa, dimana hal ini bisa dibuktikan dengan sebuah fakta yang sangat jelas, umpanya jika kita sedang mengalami hal tersebut, ketika kita sedang melakukan hubungan komunikasi dengan seseorang yang kita cintai, maka dengan tidak sadar ketika kita sudah mendapatkan respon balasan dari apa yang sudah kita kirim kepadanya, maka perasaan senang dan senyum manis pun akan langsung terpancar dari jiwa kita. Apakah bukti ini kurang kuat jika cinta memiliki kekuatan mistis yang sangat luar biasa. :)
Namun terkadang juga cinta bisa membuat perasaan kita hancur berkeping - keping, bisa merasakan sebuah kesakitan serta kepedihan yang sangat luar biasa. Ada juga cinta yang suka memandang tahta, kasta atau juga keindahan fisik semata tanpa mengerti akan makna sebenarnya. Namun dari semua yang telah banyak orang definisikan tentang cinta, Aku percaya bahwa cinta itu bisa memberikan suatu perubahan yang cukup berarti untuk sebuah kehidupan. Seperti yang sedang saya alami saat ini, dimana cinta dan kasih sayang seorang gadis bisa membuat kehidupanku menjadi lebih berarti dari sebelumnya, meski aku sadar terlalu banyak perbedaan diantara kita, namun hanya dengan perbedaan itulah kami bisa menjalani semua ini dengan penuh makna dan penuh warna.
Dibalik sikapku yang kasar, dia masih bisa menerimaku apa adanya, dibalik sikapku yang keras, justru ia bisa memiliki akau sepenuhnya, di balik perkataan ku yang terkadang tak mempunyai filter justru disini ia menjadi penawarnya, dibalik semua kekuranganku, justru ia datang menjadi pelengkap kekuranganku, sehingga kesan yang ditimbulkan hanyalah kelebihan, keharmonisan dan keselarasan. Disini aku yakin jika kamu bisa saja terluka karena sikapku, namunkamu tak pernah mengeluhkan hal ini didepanku. Tak jarang mungkin aku sering menyakiti perasaanmu, dan semua ini terjadi karena sebuah kebodohanku, disisi lain aku meminta, ku harap engkau bisa memaafkan apa yang telah aku perbuat, karena terus terang aku sangat membutuhkanmu
Aku yakin masih ada 1001 jalan cerita yang pantas untuk kita jalani sehingga kita sanggup untuk bertahan, singkirkan semua amarah yang terjadi diantara kita, diaman amarah tersebutlah yang bisa membawa kita ke gerbang kehancuran. Aku yakin mungkin kamu sakit dan mungkin juga kamu marah, tapi sekali lagi aku mohon maaf atas segala sesuatu yang telah aku lakukan terhadapmu, aku sadar dengan perasaanku sendiri bahwa engkaulah yang mampu membuat hidupku lebih berarti dan sedikit berguna.
Jika memang ada sesuatu yang membuat hatimu terjegal dengan apa yang telah aku perbuat, atau kamu merasa ada sesuatu yang harus kamu ungkapkan, maka ungkapkan lah, jangan sampai perasaan itu kamu pendam sehingga bisa jadi bumerang untuk hubungan ini, dimana jika semakin kamu pendam rasa kesal itu, maka semakin besar juga potensi untuk meledak, sehingga disisi lain aku tak akan bsia membendung ledakan yang akan terjadi, maka dari itu aku mohon padamu jika ada sesuatu yang membuatmu merasa janggal, maka aku minta kamu terbuka dan bicara apa adanya, jika memang kita bicara dengan kepala dingin, maka solusi pun akan segera menghampiri kita. janganlah sampai terjadi perpisahan diantara kita, pintu kebahagian untuk kita sudah didepan mata dan bersiaplah untuk membangun mahligai keluarga yang sakinah, mawadah , warohmah. Amiinnnn.
Semoga bisa menjadi sesuatu yang berarti untukmu :)
With love sometimes we can become weak, and sometimes with love as well we can be strong, indeed too many indications caused by love, as strong as any man good views from the strength of his heart, the strength of his soul, nor physical strength, if someone has been indicated by love, then by itself such powers could also fade if it is nearby. Love is shapeless and colorless, but we can feel this love and we can imagine, there are times when people - people call if love is colorful! This is true, if a love that has been applied to a person who is experiencing, in which the love that a person can create an imagination that is extraordinary, where this can be proven by a very obvious fact, umpanya if we're experience it, when we were having communication with someone we love, it does not know when we've been getting a response back from what we have already sent to him, feeling happy and sweet smile will directly emanating from our souls. Is this evidence is less strong if love to have mystical power that is extraordinary. :)
But sometimes love can make us feeling shattered - pieces, can feel a pain as well as pain that is extraordinary. There is also a love like looking at the throne, caste or also the mere physical beauty without understand the true meaning. But of all the many people who have defined about love, I believe that love can give a significant change for a life. As I am experiencing at the moment, where the love and affection of a girl could make life more meaningful than ever before, even though I was aware of too many differences between us, but only with the difference that we can go through all of this with a meaningful and colorful.
Behind my attitude is rude, he could still accept me, behind my attitude is hard, in fact he could have akau fully behind the words I sometimes do not have a filter it is here he became an antidote, behind all the flaws, in fact it came into complementary flaws, so that the impression that only the excess, harmony and alignment. Here I'm sure if you could be injured because of my attitude, namunkamu never complained about this in front of me. Not infrequently may I often hurt your feelings, and all this happened because of an ignorance, on the other hand I'm asking, I hope you can forgive me for what I have committed, because frankly I need you so much
I'm sure there are still 1001 storyline is appropriate for us to live so that we are able to survive, get rid of all the anger that happened between us, diaman anger is exactly what can bring us to the threshold of destruction. I'm sure you're probably sick and maybe you're angry, but once again I apologize for everything I have done to you, I realize my own feelings that you were able to make my life more meaningful and less useful.
If there is something that makes your heart tripping with what I am doing, or do you feel there is something you have to express, then disclose lah, do not get the feeling that you buried so it could be a boomerang for this relationship, whereby if the more you buried resentment it is, the greater the potential to explode, so on the other hand I will not bsia stem the explosion will happen, and therefore I beg you if there is something that makes you feel awkward, then I ask you to open and talking, if indeed we talk with a cool head, then the solution will soon be upon us. do not let it happen separation between us, for our own happiness door in front of his eyes and prepared to build a family mahligai sakinah, mawadah, warohmah. Amiinnnn.
Hope can be a good thing for you :)
1001 Road Stories Of We Love
1001 Road Stories of We Love , in this world who does not know love? Love is always present dikehidupan human and love also which will unite every distinction possessed by every human being. Sometimes it is hard to understand by common sense, this feeling arises unconsciously and without our wills, but love can arise with their eyes and the thrill of someone of the opposite sex can indeed attracted her, it is because love is a gift most beautiful, where this feeling God has bestowed upon all human beings living in this world, not least with the feeling I had.With love sometimes we can become weak, and sometimes with love as well we can be strong, indeed too many indications caused by love, as strong as any man good views from the strength of his heart, the strength of his soul, nor physical strength, if someone has been indicated by love, then by itself such powers could also fade if it is nearby. Love is shapeless and colorless, but we can feel this love and we can imagine, there are times when people - people call if love is colorful! This is true, if a love that has been applied to a person who is experiencing, in which the love that a person can create an imagination that is extraordinary, where this can be proven by a very obvious fact, umpanya if we're experience it, when we were having communication with someone we love, it does not know when we've been getting a response back from what we have already sent to him, feeling happy and sweet smile will directly emanating from our souls. Is this evidence is less strong if love to have mystical power that is extraordinary. :)
But sometimes love can make us feeling shattered - pieces, can feel a pain as well as pain that is extraordinary. There is also a love like looking at the throne, caste or also the mere physical beauty without understand the true meaning. But of all the many people who have defined about love, I believe that love can give a significant change for a life. As I am experiencing at the moment, where the love and affection of a girl could make life more meaningful than ever before, even though I was aware of too many differences between us, but only with the difference that we can go through all of this with a meaningful and colorful.
Behind my attitude is rude, he could still accept me, behind my attitude is hard, in fact he could have akau fully behind the words I sometimes do not have a filter it is here he became an antidote, behind all the flaws, in fact it came into complementary flaws, so that the impression that only the excess, harmony and alignment. Here I'm sure if you could be injured because of my attitude, namunkamu never complained about this in front of me. Not infrequently may I often hurt your feelings, and all this happened because of an ignorance, on the other hand I'm asking, I hope you can forgive me for what I have committed, because frankly I need you so much
I'm sure there are still 1001 storyline is appropriate for us to live so that we are able to survive, get rid of all the anger that happened between us, diaman anger is exactly what can bring us to the threshold of destruction. I'm sure you're probably sick and maybe you're angry, but once again I apologize for everything I have done to you, I realize my own feelings that you were able to make my life more meaningful and less useful.
If there is something that makes your heart tripping with what I am doing, or do you feel there is something you have to express, then disclose lah, do not get the feeling that you buried so it could be a boomerang for this relationship, whereby if the more you buried resentment it is, the greater the potential to explode, so on the other hand I will not bsia stem the explosion will happen, and therefore I beg you if there is something that makes you feel awkward, then I ask you to open and talking, if indeed we talk with a cool head, then the solution will soon be upon us. do not let it happen separation between us, for our own happiness door in front of his eyes and prepared to build a family mahligai sakinah, mawadah, warohmah. Amiinnnn.
Hope can be a good thing for you :)
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