Antara Pekerjaan dan Perasaan , Awal cerita ini memang datang dari ketidak sengajaan saya yang memang mempunyai hobi utak - atik perangkat komputer baik secara online maupun offline, ketika menjelang lebaran 2016 lalu, saya memang tidak melakukan aktivitas pulang kampung seperti biasanya, memang perasaan sedih itu sangat kental sekali saya rasakan, bergulung dengan alunan takbir yang begitu khas, membuat hati ini sedih dan bisa dibilang menjadi tekanan batin tahunan. Untuk mengisi kesedihan pada saat itu saya mencoba menyibukan diri dengan aktivitas - aktivita yang memang sedikitnya bisa mengobati rasa sedih tersebut. Sampai pada satu titik dimana saya menemukan suatu link di sebuah situs jejaring dimana link tersebut mengarahkan saya ke suatu halaman website yang nampaknya website tersebut dimiliki oleh sebuah perusahaan asing atau luar negeri, pasalnya pada konten tersebut bahasa yang digunakan memang menggunakan bahasa asinng yang cuku pasive.
Usut diusut ternyata halaman tersebut merupakan halaman form isian, berhubung penguasaan bahasa asing saya mmemang masih dibawah batas rata - rata , alhasil pada saat itu saya mencoba menggunakan jasa tranalate bahasa, setelah saya mendapatkan arti dari isi halaman tersebut, ternyata memang benar adanya, jika halaman website tersebut memang diperuntukkan bagi siapa saja yang berminat gabung dengan perusahaan tersebut untuk mengisi posisi kekosongan kerjaan dengan kategori "online work" yang artinya memang keksosongan kerjaan tersebut diperuntukan bagi siapa saja yang tertarik dengan kerja online. Sementara itu perusahaan tersebut memang bergerak dibidang semacam media jasa dan periklanan, dan pada saat itu memang sedang dibutuhkan beberapa karyawan untuk bisa menulis sebuah berita atau artikel. Melihat kesempatan tersebut akhirnya saya iseng - iseng mencoba mengisi halaman form tersebut. dimana pada halaman ini kita hanya dibolehkan mengisi data diri kita masing - masing tyerutama untuk kategori negara asal, itu artinya saya saat itu peunya keyakinan jika memang lowongan bisnis ini diperuntukkan untuk universal yang tidak diwajibkan kita haruis bertempat tinggal di negara tersebut. Setelah saya mengisi data diri tak lama kemudian selang waktu 20 s/d 30 menit saya mencoba mengecek email dan memang benar bahawa ada email notofikasi dari perusahaan tersebut bahwasannya saya bisa mengikuti seleksi ini, diaman didalam email balasannya tersebut perusahaan ini sudah mengikut sertakan sebuah link khusus yang diperuntukkan untuk melakukan test tulis online atau psikotes online.
Ketika saya ingat pada kejadian yang pernah saya alami tersebut, entah memang suatu kebetulan atau mungkin etrdapat suatu alasan lain, dan momentum kejadian ini terjadi dan saya alami sebelum hari raya idul fitri kemarin (2016). Waktu itu saya memang tidak ada niatan sama sekali untuk mengikuti tes online ini, karena pada saat itu saya sadar diri juga bahwa latar pendidikan saya tak setinggi spesifikasi yang diberikan perusahaan tersebut, namun dengan keterbatas ini saya mencoba nekad untuk mencoba mengikuti tes tersebut meskipun saya gagal ketahap selanjutnya, setidaknya saya lebih mengerti dan paham akan arti dari apa itu IQ. Tes online tersebut memang resmi diselenggarakan oleh salah satu perusahaan yang berada di negara swiss. Pada awalnya saya cukup ragu untuk ikut serta mengikuti tes online tersebut namun dengan rasa nekad saya pun sudah masuk di halaman tersebut dan sudah dalam kondisi ready untuk mengisi beberapa deretan pertanyaan
Singkatnya, waktu itu tanpa berfikir panjang saya mencoba mengisi formulir pendaftaran diri yang disediakan oleh perusahaan tersebut, namun memang tanpa saya duga, saya resmi diundang untuk bisa mengikuti sebuah LINK yang telah diberikan oleh perusahaan tersebut yang masuk pada kotak masuk email saya, setelah saya melakukan aktivitas translate bahasa , dugaan saya memang benar jika saya sudah terpilih untuk lanjut ke tahap berikutnya meskipun saya ringgal di negara yang berbeda dengan perusahaan tersebut, Tak berfikir panjang lagi disitu saya pun langsung mengikuti tes online tersebut dengan harapan bisa menghasilkan penghasilan tambahan, langkah demi langkah saya ikuti tes tersebut dengan mengindahkan aturan - aturan yang mereka tentukan, pada awalnya tes ini memang berjalan dengan lancar, dan pada tahap pertama psikotes ini soal yang diberikanpun memang berkaitan dengan bidang komputer terutama masalah jaringan komputer, karena pada saat saya mendaftar kategori job yang saya pilih adalah bidang Computer dan Teknologi.
Cerita berlanjut alhamdulillah saya bisa lolos ke tahapan seleksi berikutnya atau istilah mereka menggunakan bahasa tahapan review, setelah menunggu kurang lebih se-Jam lamanya akhirnya email baru pun sudah masuk di pesan saya dan isi dari email tersebut adalah jawaban dari review tadi yang menyatakan jika saya telah lolos tahapan sessi pertama dan harus mengikuti tes isian online tahap yang kedua, waktu itu saya pun langsung tanpa berfikir panjang untuk menikuti link tersebut dan saya sudah terahkan pada halaman yang dimaskud, namun dihalaman inilah saya benar - benar melihat pemandangan yang benar - benar asing utnuk kelas perusahaan dunia, dimana perusahaan tersebut telah mempersiapkan pertanyaan - pertanyaan yang harus saya jawab dimana deretan pertanyaan tersebut setelah saya baca satu persatu secara tidak langsung memang membuat saya lemas dan down, air mata ini pun bahkan sudah tidak bisa tertahan lagi untuk mengalir diwajah saya, mungkin anda sedikit tidak akan percaya dengan hal ini, namun hal ini memang kenyataan yang terjadi
Berikut ini adalah beberapa pertanyaan yang diajukan perusahaan tersebut :
- Berapa hari anda bekerja dalam waktu satu bulan ?
- Apakah anda masih hidup dan tinggal bersama Ibu ?
- Apakah obrolan terakhir anda dengan ibu anda ?
- Kapan terakhir anda bisa tertawa bersama ibu anda ?
- Hal apa yang membuat anda dan ibu anda bisa tertawa saat itu ?
- Kapan anda terakhir makan bareng bersama ibu anda ?
- Apakah anda pernah mengatakan kepada ibu anda bahwa anda menyayanginya ?
- Apakah anda masih punya sesuatu yang belum tersampaikan untuk ibu anda ?
Dan pertanyaan - pertanyaan itu memang telah membuat saya terpaku dan bingung, sedih dan saya hanya bisa diam, terlebih suasana hari itu merupakan suasana lebaran, yang memang ditunggu momennya oleh setiap orang
Investigate investigated turns the page is a page form fields, since the mastery of a foreign language I mmemang still below the limit of the average - average, as a result at the time I tried to use the services of tranalate language, once I get a sense of the contents of these pages, it is true, if the page the website is intended for anyone who is interested in joining with the company to fill a job vacancy position in the category of "online work" which means it is keksosongan work is intended for anyone who is interested in working online. Meanwhile the company is engaged in some sort of media and advertising services, and at the moment it is being required some employees to be able to write a story or article. I finally saw the opportunity fun - fun to try to fill the form page. on this page where we are only allowed to fill the data ourselves - each category tyerutama to the country of origin, it means that my current job peunya confidence if it is intended for universal business that is not required we haruis reside in the country. After I fill the data themselves shortly after an interval of 20 s / d 30 minutes I tried to check email and it is true that there are email notifications from the company bahwasannya I can follow this selection, diaman in an email reply that the company has to involve a special link intended to write an online test or psychological test online.
When I recall the events that I have ever experienced it, whether it is a coincidence or maybe etrdapat other reasons, and the momentum this incident occurred and I had experienced before Eid yesterday (2016). At that time I was there was no intention at all to take the test online, because at that moment I realized myself also that the educational background I was not as high as the specifications given by the company, but with keterbatas I tried desperate to try to follow the test even though I failed ketahap further, at least I'd know and understand the meaning of what it is IQ. The online test is officially held by one of the companies located in the state swiss. At first I was quite free to join and follow the online test, but with a sense of daring I had already entered on the page and is already in a condition ready to fill in some rows of questions
In short, this time without thinking long I try to fill in the registration form himself provided by the company, but indeed to my surprise, I was officially invited to be able to follow a LINK has been given by the company are entered in my email inbox, as I do activity translate language, my guess is true if I had chosen to go to the next level even though I ringgal in a different country to the company, not thinking long again there I immediately take a test online with the hope to generate additional income, step by step I follow the test with due regard for the rules - rules which they determine, at the beginning of this test is running smoothly, and the first stage of psychological test is a matter that is given is indeed related to the field of computers, especially computer network problem, because at the time I signed up categories of jobs that I choose is the field of Computer and Technology.
The story goes thank God I was able to qualify for the selection process next or terms they use language stage of review, after waiting more or less se-clock ever finally a new email had already entered in my message and the content of the email is the answer of the review was that states if I have qualifying stages of the session first and had to take a test field line second stage, the time that I was immediately without thinking long for menikuti the link and I've terahkan on the page dimaskud, but the yard is I really - really seeing the sights that really - really foreign utnuk class companies of the world, where the company has prepared questions - questions I have to answer where the row that question after I read one by one indirectly does make me limp and down, tears even this can not even unbearable to flow diwajah me, you probably will not believe a little bit with this, but this is the way it is
Here are some of the questions asked of the company:
How many days do you work within a month?
Are you still living with Mom?
Is your last chat with your mother?
When was the last you can laugh with your mother?
What makes you and your mother can laugh at the time?
When did you last eat together along with your mother?
Do you ever tell your mother that you love her?
Do you still have something that has not been conveyed to your mother?
And the questions has indeed made me stunned and confused, sad, and I can only be silent, especially the atmosphere of the day was the atmosphere of Eid, which is the moment awaited by everyone
Between Work and Feelings
Between work and feelings , Earlier this story is coming from accidental mine who does have a hobby tooling - tweaking computer equipment both online and offline, when ahead of Eid in 2016 and then, I did not do activity return home as usual, it is a feeling of sadness was very I feel very thick, rolled with the sound of Takbir is so distinctive, make this heart sad and arguably become an annual inner pressure. To fill the dumps at the time I tried to turn to the activity - aktivita that are least able to treat such sadness. It came to the point where I found a link on a networking site where the link directs me to a web page that appears to the website owned by a foreign company or foreign, the article on the content of the language used is the language asinng that cuku passive.Investigate investigated turns the page is a page form fields, since the mastery of a foreign language I mmemang still below the limit of the average - average, as a result at the time I tried to use the services of tranalate language, once I get a sense of the contents of these pages, it is true, if the page the website is intended for anyone who is interested in joining with the company to fill a job vacancy position in the category of "online work" which means it is keksosongan work is intended for anyone who is interested in working online. Meanwhile the company is engaged in some sort of media and advertising services, and at the moment it is being required some employees to be able to write a story or article. I finally saw the opportunity fun - fun to try to fill the form page. on this page where we are only allowed to fill the data ourselves - each category tyerutama to the country of origin, it means that my current job peunya confidence if it is intended for universal business that is not required we haruis reside in the country. After I fill the data themselves shortly after an interval of 20 s / d 30 minutes I tried to check email and it is true that there are email notifications from the company bahwasannya I can follow this selection, diaman in an email reply that the company has to involve a special link intended to write an online test or psychological test online.
When I recall the events that I have ever experienced it, whether it is a coincidence or maybe etrdapat other reasons, and the momentum this incident occurred and I had experienced before Eid yesterday (2016). At that time I was there was no intention at all to take the test online, because at that moment I realized myself also that the educational background I was not as high as the specifications given by the company, but with keterbatas I tried desperate to try to follow the test even though I failed ketahap further, at least I'd know and understand the meaning of what it is IQ. The online test is officially held by one of the companies located in the state swiss. At first I was quite free to join and follow the online test, but with a sense of daring I had already entered on the page and is already in a condition ready to fill in some rows of questions
In short, this time without thinking long I try to fill in the registration form himself provided by the company, but indeed to my surprise, I was officially invited to be able to follow a LINK has been given by the company are entered in my email inbox, as I do activity translate language, my guess is true if I had chosen to go to the next level even though I ringgal in a different country to the company, not thinking long again there I immediately take a test online with the hope to generate additional income, step by step I follow the test with due regard for the rules - rules which they determine, at the beginning of this test is running smoothly, and the first stage of psychological test is a matter that is given is indeed related to the field of computers, especially computer network problem, because at the time I signed up categories of jobs that I choose is the field of Computer and Technology.
The story goes thank God I was able to qualify for the selection process next or terms they use language stage of review, after waiting more or less se-clock ever finally a new email had already entered in my message and the content of the email is the answer of the review was that states if I have qualifying stages of the session first and had to take a test field line second stage, the time that I was immediately without thinking long for menikuti the link and I've terahkan on the page dimaskud, but the yard is I really - really seeing the sights that really - really foreign utnuk class companies of the world, where the company has prepared questions - questions I have to answer where the row that question after I read one by one indirectly does make me limp and down, tears even this can not even unbearable to flow diwajah me, you probably will not believe a little bit with this, but this is the way it is
Here are some of the questions asked of the company:
How many days do you work within a month?
Are you still living with Mom?
Is your last chat with your mother?
When was the last you can laugh with your mother?
What makes you and your mother can laugh at the time?
When did you last eat together along with your mother?
Do you ever tell your mother that you love her?
Do you still have something that has not been conveyed to your mother?
And the questions has indeed made me stunned and confused, sad, and I can only be silent, especially the atmosphere of the day was the atmosphere of Eid, which is the moment awaited by everyone
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