Bertahan untuk Menang bukan Untuk Kalah , Seberapa besarkah sebuah pengorbanan dan perjuangan yang harus kita lakukan untuk bisa meraih semua apa yang kita impikan ? untuk menjawab pertanyaan yang satu ini, tentunya setiap orang sudah bisa menjawab sesuai dengan porsinya, namun tetap mempunyai sebuah tujuan akhir yang sama, yakni tujuan akhirnya adalah sebuah kemenangan. Namun dalam hal ini masih banyak yang belum mengetahui tentang seberapa besar dan seberapa pentingnya faktor bertahan dalam hal meraih impian, karena telah banyak yang melontarkan argumen jika kita hanya bisa bertahan maka kesempatan untuk maju pun menjadi sangat terhambat, tetapi jika kita fikirkan lebih dalam ketika kita sedang mengejar sebuah impian atau cita - cita ada kalanya kita harus siap siaga untuk bertahan, karena dalam kehidupan nyata pun tidak selamanya kita tetap menyerang, namun ada saatnya kita juga akan di serang, jadi disinilah fungsi sebenarnya arti kata bertahan
Bertahan disini bukan berarti kita harus bertahan dengan sebuah keadaan yang saat ini terjadi, tetapi di tahap bertahan ini, kita harus mempertahankan apa yang sudah kita dapatkan selama ini dan disamping itu kita juga harus membuat suatu strategi atau siasat bagaimana cara atau langkah untuk sedikit memajukan keadaan tersebut, agar tidak berlarut - larut dalam keadaan saat ini. Kita harus tetap konsisten dengan apa yang telah kita cita - citakan sebelumnya, tebar harapanmu seluas langit biru dan gantungkan cita - citamu stinggi khayalanmu, mulailah kepalkan tangan kita dengan sangat erat, bersiap untuk bertahan dengan keadaan, dan jika kita sudah menemukan suatu celah yang baik, maka segeralah kita ayunkan kepalan tangan kita setinggi mungkin, tangkislah semua hadangan tersebut, dalam hal ini kita perlu adanya kesatuan dengan team atau orang yang berjuang bersama kita, janganlah kita melihat suatu perbedaan yang dijadikan suatu halangan untuk bisa lebih maju
Segala sesuatu kesalahan yang terjadi di dalam jiwa kita, segeralah perbaiki sehingga kita bisa membentuk jiwa yang baru, dengan kita memiliki jiwa yang baru maka mulailah tanamkan rasa Satu Jiwa, Satu Darah, Satu Cinta dan Satu Rasa diantara orang - orang yang selama ini telah berjuang bersama kita, tetaplah jaga visi dan misi kita yang pernah dibangun sebelumnya, jangan sampai kita hanya bisa menjadi penonton dan penikmat kesuksesan orang lain saja, gunakanlah skill atau kemampuan yang kita miliki untuk bisa memutar roda kehidupan ini, karena meskipun roda kehidupan ini berputar, namun jika tidak ada tindakan yang nyata dari diri kita, maka roda kehidupan didalam jiwa kita pun tidak akan bisa berputar
Namun saya yakin dengan apa yang saya sampaikan diatas tak semuanya bisa setuju, bisa saja kalian memang tak bisa menghargai pendapatku, atau mungkin anda juga sudah menolak sebuah pendapat dari orang lain, maka dalam hal ini kita memang perlu satu kata agar tidak terjadi jiwa yang berontak, saat ini saya ingin semuanya kalian bisa berteriak
Ayo semua kepalkan tangan dan mulailah berkata "Mari Kita Bersatu"
Ayo semua kita harus segera bergerak dan berkata "Mari Kita Bersatu"
Ayo kita kumpulkan kekuatan yang kita miliki dan katakan "Mari Kita Bersatu"
Ayo semua teriak "Mari Kita Bersatu untuk jalan cerita yang lebih bermakna"
Jangan sampai sebuah keraguan menghampiri jiwa kita lagi, meskipun itu hanya sedetik, ayo kita melangkah bersama tanpa ada titik ataupun koma, bersama, kita bisa menjadi jiwa yang lebih solid. Satukan semua perbedaan yang ada, karena keragaman dan perbedaan akan menjadi suatu warna yang bisa menerangi jalan jiwa kita, satukan semua pendapat meskipun berbeda pemikiran, karena dari banyaknya pemikiran, maka disitu kita akan mendapatkan suatu gagasan yang kokoh dan kuat. Ingat dalam jiwa kita sudah tertanam prinsip " Bhineka Tunggal Ika " , meskipun kita sadar, jika keadilan itu belum tentu sama rata, namun disini kita harus bisa melebur menjadi satu, jadikan jiwa kita semakin kokoh, bagaikan sebuah batu keras, kita semua yang terangkum dalam waktu tentunya akan menjadi sebuah pencapaian yang sangat luar biasa, tapi tunggu dulu,!! apakah kita semua sudah menegtahui apa yang dimaksud dengan Arti Satu ?
Ini adalah sebuah cara yang dilakukan untuk me-Respect semua perbedaan yang ada, antara aku, kamu, kita, mereka, apa masalahmu. apa masalahku, apa masalah kita, dana apa masalah mereka adalah merupakan suatu penjabaran dari bagaimana kita supaya bisa hidup secara berdampingan . Mulailah kita melakukan sebuah persiapan dengan matang, sambutlah semua rintangan, hadapailah semua tantangan dengan jiwa yang telah terbentuk dengan solid.
Memang tak semudah apa yang kita bayangkan, namun setidaknya kita sudah mempunyai sebuah tindakan untuk bisa merealisasikan semuanya
Survive to Win is not for Lost , How big a sacrifice and struggle we have to do to be able to achieve all what we dream? to answer this one, of course, everyone has been able to respond in accordance with its portion, but still have a the same end goal, which is the end goal is a victory. But in this case there are still many who do not know about how big and how important factors persist in achieving the dream, because it has much to catapult the argument if we could just survive the opportunity to progress becomes very restricted, but if we fikirkan deeper when we is pursuing a dream or ideals - ideals there are times when we must stand ready to survive, because in real life was not always we kept attacking, but there are times we will be attacked, so this is where the actual function of the word survive
Surviving here does not mean we have to stick with a situation that is currently going on, but in the sustain stage, we should keep what we've got so far, and besides that we also have to create a strategy or tactics how or move to slightly advance the state the order is not drawn - in its current state. We must remain consistent with what we have goals - aiming previously, stocking hopes wide blue sky and hang ideals - fulfill your stinggi imagination, begin to clench our hands very tightly, prepared to defend the state, and if we've found a loophole that good , then immediately we swung our fist high as possible, tangkislah all these obstacles, in this case we need the unity of the team or the people who fought with us, we should not see a difference which is used as an obstacle to be more advanced
Everything errors that occur in our souls, immediately correct so that we can form a new soul, with our own new soul then begin to instill a sense of One Soul, One Blood, One Love and One Taste among people - those who have been struggling with us, still keep the vision and mission we've ever built before, lest we could just be a spectator and audience success of others alone, use a skill or ability that we have to be able to rotate the wheel of life, because even though the wheel of life is turning, but if there is no real action from us, the wheel of life in our soul would not be able to spin
However I am confident with what I said above not all could agree, could you really can not appreciate the opinion, or perhaps you would also have rejected the opinion of others, so in this case we did need one word to avoid the soul rout , this time I want everything you could shout
Do not let a soul doubts approached us again, even though it was only for a second, let us walk together without any dot or comma, together, we can become a more solid soul. Combine all the differences, because of the diversity and differences will be a color that can light the way our souls, unite all the different thoughts despite the opinion, because of the many thoughts, then there we will get an idea of solid and strong. Remember in our souls already embedded the principle of "Unity in Diversity", although we are aware, if justice was not necessarily equally, but here we have to be merged into one, make our soul more solid, like a rock hard, we all are summarized in time will certainly be a very remarkable achievement, but wait, !! if we all had menegtahui what is meant by Arti One?
It is a way to do for me-Respect all the differences, between me, you, us, them, what's the problem. What problem, what problem we fund what their problem is an elaboration of how we may live side by side. Begin with the preparation we did a mature, welcome all obstacles, hadapailah all challenges with a spirit that has been formed with the solid.
It is not as easy as what we imagine, but at least we already have an action to be able to realize all
Survive to Win instead To Lose
Survive to Win is not for Lost , How big a sacrifice and struggle we have to do to be able to achieve all what we dream? to answer this one, of course, everyone has been able to respond in accordance with its portion, but still have a the same end goal, which is the end goal is a victory. But in this case there are still many who do not know about how big and how important factors persist in achieving the dream, because it has much to catapult the argument if we could just survive the opportunity to progress becomes very restricted, but if we fikirkan deeper when we is pursuing a dream or ideals - ideals there are times when we must stand ready to survive, because in real life was not always we kept attacking, but there are times we will be attacked, so this is where the actual function of the word surviveSurviving here does not mean we have to stick with a situation that is currently going on, but in the sustain stage, we should keep what we've got so far, and besides that we also have to create a strategy or tactics how or move to slightly advance the state the order is not drawn - in its current state. We must remain consistent with what we have goals - aiming previously, stocking hopes wide blue sky and hang ideals - fulfill your stinggi imagination, begin to clench our hands very tightly, prepared to defend the state, and if we've found a loophole that good , then immediately we swung our fist high as possible, tangkislah all these obstacles, in this case we need the unity of the team or the people who fought with us, we should not see a difference which is used as an obstacle to be more advanced
Everything errors that occur in our souls, immediately correct so that we can form a new soul, with our own new soul then begin to instill a sense of One Soul, One Blood, One Love and One Taste among people - those who have been struggling with us, still keep the vision and mission we've ever built before, lest we could just be a spectator and audience success of others alone, use a skill or ability that we have to be able to rotate the wheel of life, because even though the wheel of life is turning, but if there is no real action from us, the wheel of life in our soul would not be able to spin
However I am confident with what I said above not all could agree, could you really can not appreciate the opinion, or perhaps you would also have rejected the opinion of others, so in this case we did need one word to avoid the soul rout , this time I want everything you could shout
Let all your fists and start saying "Let Us Unite"
Let all of us have to get moving and said "Let's Unite"
Let us gather the strength we have and say "Let's Unite"
Let's all shout "Let's Unite for a more meaningful storyline"
Do not let a soul doubts approached us again, even though it was only for a second, let us walk together without any dot or comma, together, we can become a more solid soul. Combine all the differences, because of the diversity and differences will be a color that can light the way our souls, unite all the different thoughts despite the opinion, because of the many thoughts, then there we will get an idea of solid and strong. Remember in our souls already embedded the principle of "Unity in Diversity", although we are aware, if justice was not necessarily equally, but here we have to be merged into one, make our soul more solid, like a rock hard, we all are summarized in time will certainly be a very remarkable achievement, but wait, !! if we all had menegtahui what is meant by Arti One?
It is a way to do for me-Respect all the differences, between me, you, us, them, what's the problem. What problem, what problem we fund what their problem is an elaboration of how we may live side by side. Begin with the preparation we did a mature, welcome all obstacles, hadapailah all challenges with a spirit that has been formed with the solid.
It is not as easy as what we imagine, but at least we already have an action to be able to realize all
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