Lihat Kebelakang Kau tak Sendiri Kawan , Kegagalan merupakan sebuah hal penting yang memang semua orang pasti akan alami, namun kegagalan ini kebanyak orang tak mampu menggali sebuah rahasia dibaliknya, lantas mereka hanya bisa men-Judge bahwa kegagalan yang sedang mereka alami adalah takdir hidupnya, tanpa mengoreksi terlebih dahulu apa yang menjadi penyebab kegagalan tersebut. Satu hal yang terfikir didalam benaknya adalah selalu ingin melakukan kegiatan menyendiri dengan menyesali apa yang telah terjadi padanya, shingga mampu membutakan mata hati dan fikirannya yang menganggap jika orang - orang terdekatnya serasa telah menjauh dari kehidupannya, namun sebenarnya yang terjadi adalah diri pribadinya sendiri yang secara tidak langsung telah menjauh dari kehidupan sekelilingnya.
memang sangat sulit jika kita harus menerima sebuah kenyataan yang tidak sesuai dengan apa yang kita inginkan, namun sebelumnya juga kita harus bisa menyadari bahwa didalam kehidupan ini tak semua hal yang kita inginkan bisa kita dapatkan, walaupun itu dengan cara membelinya dengan materi pun. karena apa? Semua yang kita miliki, semua yang kita bisa dan semua apa yang kita ketahui juga pasti ada batasannya. Jadi sekarang untuk apa dan apa gunanya kita harus berlarut - larut didalam sebuah kesedihan hanya karena sebuah kegagalan, dalam hal ini kita menyesali sesuatu itu memang termasuk hal yang wajar, namun apakah kita harus merasa sakit berkepanjangan, jika memang fikiran kita terbuka, coba bayangkan berapa besar potensi yang akan dihasilkan dari sebuah kegagalan tersebut? tentunya sangat besar bro, karena didalam sebuah kegagalan tersebut sudah tersimpan alur dan bumbu - bumbu kesuksesan yang belum ter-Filtrasi dengan baik sehingga masih menyatu dengan suatu tindakan yang sebelumnya memang tak selaras dengan apa yang telah kita rencanakan sebelumnya. namun ketika telah mengkaji ulang sebuah kegagalan tersebut, pastilah anda akan menemukan sebuah jalur yang putus yang arahnya memang belum mempunyai tujuan yang jelas, Nah tugas kita disini adalah membuat ulang planning dan mencoba meneruskan pondasi yang sudah tercipta tersebut, sebenarnya dimana letak kesalahan yang telah kita perbuat, sehingga mampu mengundang kegagalan tersebut.
Jadi garis besarnya dalam menjalani masalah klasik yang satu ini, cobalah kita untuk lebih terbuka dan mencoba mencari jalan keluarnya dengan cara melakukan sharing dengan kawan kita, karena dari hasil sebuah sharing biasanya akan selalu mendapatkan sebuah jawabannya, meskipun harapannya terbilang kecil, namun kita janganlah berputus asa.
Ingatlah disaat kau sedang merasa putus asa dan merasa hidup dalam kesendirian, dimana hal ini memang sudah tertanam didalam kerasnya kehidupan dunia, maka cobalah engkau tersenyum dan cobalah untuk berfikir panjang, karena semua ini pastilah akan berakhir pada waktunya, Disini kau tak sendiri masih ada aku, dia, dan mereka yangn sudah siap merangkul engkau untuk bisa menanti hangatnya sang mentari, ingat kau tak sendiri berikan tanganmu , mari kita raih sama - sama mimpi - mimpi kita, engkau harus sadar dari tidur, mulailah memandang kehidupan nyata, karena memang pada dasarnya hidup tak selalu seperti yang kita inginkan dan yang kita harapkan, hadapilah semuanya dengan kepala dingin dan hati yang tenang dan tetap terus meangkah untuk melanjutkan cerita selanjutnya yang sudah menanti.
Sekarang kita coba mulai perhatikan sekitar, mari kita amati, hidup ini bukan hanya sekedar untuk patah hati dan mengeluh dan kita perlu ingat semua hal yang sudah terjadi pada diri kita, maka hal yang harus kita lakukan adalah mengambil sebuah hikmahnya.
Memang terasa amat sulit ketika kita dihadapkan dengan sebuah kenyataan pahit yang harus dilerati, namun jika memang kita tidak melewati hal tersebut, lantas kehidupan kita akan berangsur lebih baik dengan sendirinya, tentunya hal ini merupakan pemikiran yang teramat bodoh sekali. Maka dari itu marilah kita sama - sama membangun kembali sebuah bangunan yang telah hancur menjadi puing - puing itu, namun ketika kita membersihkan puing - puing tersebut, maka akan ditemukannya sebuah pondasi yang masih berdiri kokoh menancap ke dasar tanah, hal ini menandakan, bahwa disetiap kegagalan pastilah akan ada suatu hikmah yang sangat berarti.
Pondasi disini dapat diartikan, sebagai landasan utama dari sebuah harapan yang telah gagal, namun setidaknya masih dibangun kembali meskipun dengan bahan yang berbeda, kualitas yang berbeda dan tentunya sebuah cara yang berbeda juga, tetapi tetap memiliki acuan pada bangunan awal yang telah hancur terlebih dahulu.
Jangan lah kita sekali - kali menganggap nasib kita selalu kurang baik, karena tak selamanya kita akan bernasib seperti itu, namun justru hal ini bisa menjadi sebuah pertanda yang cukup baik, dimana untuk saat ini mungkin Tuhan masih menguji kekuatan kita, ketabahan kita, dan keikhlasan kita dalam menjalani sebuah fase kehidupan, namun ketika kita sudah lulus dalam ujian ini, pastilah kita juga akan mendapatakan sebuah hasil yang positif meskipun tak sebesar yang kita bayangkan sebelumnya. semua ini patutlah kita syukuri bro.
See backward You're not Alone Friend, Failure is an important thing that indeed everyone would be natural, but this failure-many people are not able to dig a secret behind it, then they can just download the Judge that the failures they are experiencing is his destiny, without correcting in advance what the cause of the failure. One thing that terfikir in mind is to always want to do activities alone regretting what had happened to him, shingga able to blind the eyes of the heart and mind for instance that regard if people - the closest people seemed to have been away from his life, but in fact what happens is self of his own personal manner indirect away from the life around him.
it is very difficult if we have to accept a reality that does not correspond to what we want, but before too, we must be aware that in this life is not all that we want to get it, even though it was a way to buy it with any material. Because of what? Everything we have, everything we could and all of what we know also there must be a limit. So now for what and for what we should be drawn - in a grief simply because of a failure, in which case we regret anything that does include a natural thing, but if we have to find a long illness, if indeed our minds open, just imagine how great potential to be generated from such a failure? of course, very big bro, because in a groove of the failure is stored and seasoning - seasoning success has not ter-Filtration well so that they blend with an action that previously did not in harmony with what we have planned in advance. but when it has been reviewing a failure that, surely you will find a broken line whose direction does not have a clear objective, Now our job here is to make the planning and trying to continue the foundation that has been created is, in fact where lies the mistakes we do, so as to invite the failure.
So outline in living a classic problem of this one, we try to be more open and try to find a way out by way of sharing with our friend, because of the results of a sharing will usually always get an answer, although the hope is small, but we do not berputus asa.
Remember when you were feeling desperate and feel of living in solitude, where it is already embedded in the hard life of the world, then try you smile and try to think long, because all of this must be ended in time, here you are not alone there i he, and they yangn are ready to embrace you in order to await the warmth of the sun, remember you're not alone give your hand, let us achieve the same - the same dream - our dream, you have to be aware of sleep, start looking at real life, because it is basically life is not always the way we want and what we expect, face everything with a cool head and a calm heart and continue meangkah to continue with the next story that has been waiting for.
Now we try to start look around, let us observe, life is not merely to be gutted and complain and we need to remember all the things that have happened to us, then we have to do is take a lesson.
It was very difficult when we are faced with a harsh reality that must dilerati, but if we do not pass it, then our lives will gradually better by itself, of course, this is an extremely stupid idea. Therefore let us together - together to rebuild a building that has been reduced to rubble - debris, but when we clean up the debris - the debris, it will be the discovery of a foundation that still stands firmly stuck to the bottom of the ground, it indicates that every failure would surely there is a wisdom that is very meaningful.
Foundations here can be interpreted, as the primary basis of a hope that has failed, but at least they rebuilt albeit with different materials, different quality and of course a different way as well, but still has a reference to the early buildings that had been destroyed beforehand.
Never will we all - time consider our fate always less than good, because not always we will end up like that, but rather it could be a sign that pretty well, which for the moment may the Lord is still testing our strength, fortitude us, and sincerity we are undergoing a phase in their lives, but when we have to pass this test, we must also be mendapatakan a positive result although not as big as we imagined. all of this we must be grateful for bro.
See backward You're not Alone Friend
See backward You're not Alone Friend, Failure is an important thing that indeed everyone would be natural, but this failure-many people are not able to dig a secret behind it, then they can just download the Judge that the failures they are experiencing is his destiny, without correcting in advance what the cause of the failure. One thing that terfikir in mind is to always want to do activities alone regretting what had happened to him, shingga able to blind the eyes of the heart and mind for instance that regard if people - the closest people seemed to have been away from his life, but in fact what happens is self of his own personal manner indirect away from the life around is very difficult if we have to accept a reality that does not correspond to what we want, but before too, we must be aware that in this life is not all that we want to get it, even though it was a way to buy it with any material. Because of what? Everything we have, everything we could and all of what we know also there must be a limit. So now for what and for what we should be drawn - in a grief simply because of a failure, in which case we regret anything that does include a natural thing, but if we have to find a long illness, if indeed our minds open, just imagine how great potential to be generated from such a failure? of course, very big bro, because in a groove of the failure is stored and seasoning - seasoning success has not ter-Filtration well so that they blend with an action that previously did not in harmony with what we have planned in advance. but when it has been reviewing a failure that, surely you will find a broken line whose direction does not have a clear objective, Now our job here is to make the planning and trying to continue the foundation that has been created is, in fact where lies the mistakes we do, so as to invite the failure.
So outline in living a classic problem of this one, we try to be more open and try to find a way out by way of sharing with our friend, because of the results of a sharing will usually always get an answer, although the hope is small, but we do not berputus asa.
Remember when you were feeling desperate and feel of living in solitude, where it is already embedded in the hard life of the world, then try you smile and try to think long, because all of this must be ended in time, here you are not alone there i he, and they yangn are ready to embrace you in order to await the warmth of the sun, remember you're not alone give your hand, let us achieve the same - the same dream - our dream, you have to be aware of sleep, start looking at real life, because it is basically life is not always the way we want and what we expect, face everything with a cool head and a calm heart and continue meangkah to continue with the next story that has been waiting for.
Now we try to start look around, let us observe, life is not merely to be gutted and complain and we need to remember all the things that have happened to us, then we have to do is take a lesson.
It was very difficult when we are faced with a harsh reality that must dilerati, but if we do not pass it, then our lives will gradually better by itself, of course, this is an extremely stupid idea. Therefore let us together - together to rebuild a building that has been reduced to rubble - debris, but when we clean up the debris - the debris, it will be the discovery of a foundation that still stands firmly stuck to the bottom of the ground, it indicates that every failure would surely there is a wisdom that is very meaningful.
Foundations here can be interpreted, as the primary basis of a hope that has failed, but at least they rebuilt albeit with different materials, different quality and of course a different way as well, but still has a reference to the early buildings that had been destroyed beforehand.
Never will we all - time consider our fate always less than good, because not always we will end up like that, but rather it could be a sign that pretty well, which for the moment may the Lord is still testing our strength, fortitude us, and sincerity we are undergoing a phase in their lives, but when we have to pass this test, we must also be mendapatakan a positive result although not as big as we imagined. all of this we must be grateful for bro.
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